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Digital Direction, Design & Speculative Storytelling

Santra Navas
Chatbot: Extending Tamar
While researching for my dissertation that looked into AI Chatbots, I realised that the majority of chatbots that exist today are created...

Santra Navas
VR: Empathy blueprint
Over the years, there has been a lot of chatter with regard to virtual reality’s ability to induce empathy. Digital media creators have...

Santra Navas
N01R (Work in Progress)
PH706 is currently working on a new experience, N01R. Narrative: In the year ph4040, environmental disasters reached its peak and our...

Santra Navas
Creation of Tamar's character
In order to reconstruct my personal narrative, I asked two of my closest friends who have known me for over a decade to retell my...

Santra Navas
Introducing Tamar
If you have ever experienced a traumatic event, Your psychologist would have probably asked you to write down the sequence of the...

Santra Navas
Ph706 : Neon Dystopia
Story : In a neon-lit dystopian world where humanoid robots known as Neo-bots are isolated and suspended in water tanks due to the spread...

Santra Navas
Creation of Tribal Tessellation
Tribal Tessellation is 14 minute music composition I made for the immersive virtual club PH706. The music is made by layering different...

Santra Navas
Love & Terror
Taken from the Digital Journal of 8-year-old H’uit My family has always told me, since as long as I could remember, that they wouldn’t...

Santra Navas
Future Bodies
Inspired by Moon Ribas, a dancer and avant-garde artist who implanted a seismic sensor into her feet to experience Earthquakes in...

Santra Navas
The Biotech Death
According to Philippe Aries throughout history death has undergone 3 main transitional periods. During the 6th and early 12th century,...

Santra Navas
Decomputation : Transience
For this week's project we were asked to design a Transient experience A state of transience is defined as someone or something that is...

Santra Navas
Decomputation - Counter Surveillance
For this week's project we were asked to design a method of counter surveillance. " Without quite realising it we have fallen into a...

Santra Navas
Identity : Staging the Talk Show
Now that we are getting close to the date of our presentation on our disembodied A.i cult leader, I was thinking about how presentations...

Santra Navas
Decomputation : Gravity
For Project 2 of Decomputation we were asked to design an artefact that expresses the experiential qualities of gravity. After couple of...

Santra Navas
Heaven to Hell
During a sound editing class with Matt Lewis on how to use the program Reaper. We were divided into a group of three. To create a...

Santra Navas
Identity : Role of dramaturg
While having the recent tutor session with Hestia Peppe, She identified one of my role in a group project as a "dramaturg". Curious to...

Santra Navas
Decomputation : Food
Food in fairy tales performs a number of symbolic narrative functions. Like how Apples stand for temptation, gingerbread houses for...

Santra Navas
Identity : Disembodied Voices
Why am I looking into disembodied voices? for our current project on exploring cult identity, my team and I have decided to create an A.I...

Santra Navas
Coded life-drawing
Coded life drawing was a 2 hour workshop with Eleanor Dare, which involved using processing sketch to code the platform that will allow...

Santra Navas
Writing Objects : The Antelope
This is a mummified skull of an antelope. Ever since I was young, I was fascinated by the idea of macabre. The imagery of decay is often...

Santra Navas
The Stanley Kubrick Enhancement
The Stanley Kubrick Exhibition that was held at the design museum tells the story of of his unique command of the creative design process...

Santra Navas
Kinesic Konnection
“At times she had thought that this was the only kind of connection you could have with people—intense, inexplicable and ultimately...

Santra Navas
Identity: Transhuman
Transhumanism is a movement which involves a radical technological transition. It is said to be more of the future of cognition rather...

Santra Navas
The Digital Dualist Dilemma
Digital dualists believe that physical world is real and digital world is virtual. On the other hand , anti-digital-dualists claim that...
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