Digital Direction, Design & Speculative Storytelling

I am a multidisciplinary designer with expertise in creative technology, design research and mixed reality. I am currently working with immersive technologies such as virtual reality, augmented reality and AI-driven interfaces to create narrative-driven projects. My professional engagements and academic training in design, digital technologies and human psychology combine to find innovative solutions to critical societal issues. I graduated with an MA in Digital Direction from the Royal College of Art in London. Previously, I worked as a Lead Designer and Assistant Art Director for an interactive mural studio called Mural Lingo in Singapore, during which I worked for global brands such as Google, Red Cross, World Wildlife Fund (WWF), KPMG, Johnson and Johnson among others. I am currently working on Maia, an immersive narrative-driven platform that aims to redefine virtual social interactions. Team Maia collaborates with artists, technologists, storytellers, musicians and more to host events, exhibitions and conferences.
If you or your organisation would like to transform your physical or virtual spaces, please drop me a line, and I would love to discuss.

Primary Interests:
Designing interactive narratives
Speculative Storytelling
Digital Strategy
Experience design and research
Design anthropology